Tuesday, January 14, 2020

A Promise of Wind

down river
merrimack, nh

A Promise of Wind

The gusts have not come
yet the ones they promised pushing
from the west or they have
and I didn’t pay
attention and I missed
them thinking they
were a passing heavy motor
vehicle a dump truck or a front-
end loader. Jobs
to do. I’ve been waiting distracting
myself for daylight to go out
into it all and listen to the river going
by going by going by with all her December
and January ice rising high enough
to the top of her thermometer so
that by the end of the day the ice
will be nearly gone and tipped over
the old dam that’s nothing now
of its original

purpose and if the water seems to
mock me
so be it I have feet and I can lift them
and bring them down hard enough
to fall
on my ass and slide toward
the memorial
gate the one with all the names
of the people brave enough to take
their havens to the edge
and toss them like ashes
like crystals
like paper
origami boats and yodas
the kind my son folded over
over over to let go of only when
he’s too old for those moments
putting away his childish things
like he was compelled to
simply by growing
up what pray did I miss

groping while I slid
toward the section
of the river that isn’t fenced
off, losing
my hat and mittens, tearing
my new coat
and the down inside floating
out on the wind once
again like it was almost

giving, returning
merrimack, nh

Saturday, January 11, 2020

and another vow

and another vow

yeah, no, not today.   with the way
that wax refuses to drain?  with the way
the melt makes it all     rise quiet barely
alive?  I need to tip        the votive holder.
I need to bend back    the soft shoulder
and make a new vein to      let the wet
tepid vicious bee excrete      shiver the little
fist on the wick?        have you ever
been so god           damned stiff with
cold you           don’t know
if                 (listen)
you           (listen)
can          (shhh)
ever    (ffffff)
ever   (fff)
be           (phoooooo)
                                   to toe
lithe and gracious

Monday, January 6, 2020


is …

All shivers,
Dear friends.

Is it for me
You keep still?

                                        Charles Simic

your tongue
on the tip of

your right forefinger
the one

you use
to turn the page

of the long
overdue library book

whose call number
has changed

since you’ve been alive

whose tongue
and your tongue

teach one another
to acclimate to

lovers different


with their brief

whose fixes      
and humilities

dominate and

darling you just
do not know

you’ve been
loved so
do you?

into the night then
quiet morning

deeper into 
the arriving

or penitent

but not unscathed
never unscathed

            either way

deep into the day
of days

page after page
page after page

of leaf to lips
fingertips (oh god)

to tongues

Thursday, January 2, 2020



My Mother works there
And so does my father
                                                Charles Simic
                                                Toy Factory

And maybe because trees
come to burn neatly

maybe because some weep
the deep released

maybe the gelatinous resin’s
at last gone soft gone aloft

maybe in steam see
it’s different

maybe in the smoke
to your eye, nose

maybe throat yellow
open coals though only

maybe in the close when
the fire’s been going

maybe for years
each piece of heat

maybe squeezed if not discreetly
more than freely

maybe solid as an offering
to your gods

maybe lugged from the bogs
they’d gone hollow as in

maybe don’t you want
them to come alive again

maybe don’t you want to
lug them yourself like

maybe they were a storm
of blowdowns

maybe receiving the ready
generosity of your feet

maybe like children
because it all takes

maybe is a sudden turn
that wasn’t required admit

maybe that at least
because you were

maybe wanting a puzzle all put
together or if not

maybe one that is still under
the jig and hasn’t fallen into pieces

maybe like hard times
come together years later

maybe in a story made from
beech made from trees you seem

to think are maybe
rooted only to be burned

because each receives maybe
the tongue it’s flung to

like trickery maybe
like practiced trickery

as if juniper maybe
as if ash maybe

as if when maybe
it’s liquid again maybe

it will be poured maybe
into your open throat maybe

the only mold entirely suitable maybe
and it will hollow and melt off maybe

the drops of I think maybe
I need to tell you maybe

its common as water maybe
and gives off more than its maybe

gathered and maybe
if you can take that maybe

just maybe it’s God
or if not maybe just gospel.

Wednesday, January 1, 2020

On Seeing a Seemingly Pristine $30 Collection is a Measly $1 Less Than 3

On Seeing a Seemingly Pristine $30 Collection is a Measly $1 Less Than 3

Because I want it cheap
I’ll get it cheap but still

that don’t mean I can’t
worship some of how it got to

me from the start.  How
opening it once it arrives

will take some saying and
some not and mostly not

and everyday its up to me
if I decide to let the say

have the day and least
ways if it does its up

to me to shut it up if it
needs shutting up.  Who will

tell me it doesn’t start before
the penciled two bucks zipped

quick and blunt on the inside lid
by a fist I’ll never see

Rolling off the line it was
$30.00 but that was seven

years ago now and new and seeing
it’s my tradition as got me

this far (buying used I’m saying
saves paper and makes

for good food if I’m serving
it and anyway nobody’s

complaining it’s something

personal I taught myself
by waiting and watching

and mostly by getting under
my muscle enough to

palm it to calm it and imagine
my four fingers and one

thumb not so much clutching
as letting it be hung

while it goes on and on
beating.  Hearts are like that

I know you know though
how much time do you spend

getting to know  your own?
Shit, it’s inches from your chin,

that flattened hinge of a fan
that holds the middle of your face

in place, where they say
you gotta take it day after day

I made it this far enough to wait
to open the poet

who was thousands of suns
and stars away from me once

and all these years and see
how cheaply bought this New

and Selected?  But it’s not that
You know it and I know it

Nothing comes cheap – those suns
and stars least

Cheap don’t mean easy and if
that’s the first thing

you think about before you slip
your hand out from under

your own calmed heart like
I asked you to though I bet

you didn’t hear me did you
to pick up his I guess you’re well

on your way to letting someone
else’s blood fall on  your lips

and begin to make you
clean am I right?