Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Settling Old Affairs

Settling Old Affairs

Although we come together
Nothing can come of us.  But we would not give
It up, for death is beaten…

God bless you.  Guilt is magical.
                                                                James Dickey

though I was hit early
and often 
and with a man nearly twice
my age I made it

seem inevitable that I could
take it up at all
what he called
my mantle and hefting it

all the way
to the mountains and back
those flatirons 
rising high because they were

pushed up millennia ago
out of the boulders and tall as New
England cemetery stones my then house-
cat husband and I drove
                                                  out to

meet them and in that earth I dug
my own grave and I lay down in it
and stayed and stayed
and stayed until the day

I came back and gave away
what remained of us
for free or cheap
fingers that knew me

and I lived
in that house for years
while I made
my way through

and though I can’t say I knew my way
                                                and I can’t say
I would
even even today

I will say all that rocking
back forth back
forth back
forth back

into a new groan is a syllable
coming but not yet sound
a word not yet

a sentence
not a sentence not yet
not yet but almost and almost, wait
for it and rejoice,


Sunday, March 1, 2020

Last Match

Last Match

I’d wanted to write about a pocket
match and imagine it to be the last match
the man stashed in his all-day longing

to knock off work and cock alongside
the dock and walk back over his age
at the end of his day to day making wages

how wading in each moment he waited
and created this intimate space over the flame
that stayed in the face and placated

the one wooden stick he’d tithed to
himself counting them all out on the blighted
table now eight days sober while he drank

his coffee black while the tide swung while
he took just one and savored it and made it through
the whole dragging day it would be

the only flame he’d need to light the night
home to that bare table you’d seen him right?
lifting this last last at last all day

though the steam and the heat in the wheel
house through the frozen steel dredge and nets
through fathoms of letdowns deep reasons he’d seek needing

it and finally finding it right where he packed
it in his right pocket wrapped in a plastic zip baggie
because hey it’s a sopping wet job and what

if he’d fallen in the water what if
he’d caught the boss off guard what
if the doctor is going to tell him awful

and shocking news about his mother or about
his wife or about his son or about
himself isn’t it all cupped in the middle

of his hand when he draws it out
skinny little thing it is this match this one
plastic shrined match I’d wanted to 

give to this one hard-working mother-
fucker now tell me you tell me how it
should end when the shift’s blown

and he lifts his fist to the wall
at the close of it all and wants to hammer
down but shitall he’s exhausted he’s so

exhausted he can’t even finish
lifting that fist he can’t even lift his beanie
off he can’t barely drag his ass

home to the bare table to the last
of the last of the matches but he’ll make a pass
to the Catholic statues at the 12

step and lift one lit candle to the next and say
what all act of regret and keep that match stashed
because what’s the sense in getting it

lit and wasting it if there’s a flame already made 
and a skin-thin wick all ready to take it whatever
hand that lifted and tipped and bowed over it

thanks man 'preciate it and dove in 
before the wax had even started to give 
shit listen we all got to get lit

with our trinkets and 
talismans our flaming

aint we? (ahhh...