Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Navigation: 1st Marriage

1st marriage

defined: activity of accurately ascertaining one's position 
and planning and following a route

defined: a combination or mixture 
of two or more elements

really :  a bed 
shrunk from love and then the lack
and the absence
of love
the insult it had become
for both of us, the ugly
and the unblessed.  maybe we
trade in the honeymoons
to suit
                the experts who
only over time
and those waves made by the wind
in the yearly washed
and hung out to dry counterpane
in the percale sheets
in your least (don't the pills
feel like flees on your bare
skin if you had bare skin
after the first year)
favorite fabric
take you and me to the opposite
edges of the bed and set us in hunger
while our eyes rout
and our elbows gouge
and  our knees and toes hold anchor
against the muck
we’ve allowed ourselves
to become once the absence
of touch
has frustrated out tongues
and dried them distinctly preserved
                                to resemble
the left and right wing tips (depending
on which corner of your lip
you lick at the time of this
of a long, long extinct species
of bird or water
mammal sunk and covered
and ultimately unexcavatable.