this question she prompts me:
Do you want me to mourn?
Do you want me to wear black?
Or like moonlight on whitest sand
to use your dark, to gleam, to shimmer?
Tess Gallagher
Haven't I always wanted to find a lightning
whelk? And isn't there one just outside, lips
down to the mound of ground, whispering? And
hadn't I imagined I'd find it where it really be-
longed, and on its own terms: the water it was
hadn't I imagined I'd find it where it really be-
longed, and on its own terms: the water it was
cauldroned in and among the witches
squeezing their tits for libations into the grin
because see? the meat's gone I mean something's
eaten it or plucked it from its knuckled grip,
something has insisted, beak or finger (do
octopi (it's not octopi is it, it's octo-
pusses) like whelk do they snuggle the shell
up to their beak and sucker it some with one
of their eight arm 240 sucker cups or even
fleecing with one of their three (it's not three?
it's two?) different hearts and innumerable beats
to work the bellows of their gills and do they ink
a little for sweet measure and does the whelk let
go I mean let itself go because there's
a difference right, on the way something lets
go, it's the force of what's tugging right? something
like gravity or something charismatic or something
that's just the right amount of invisible or the right
amount of getaway pressure or get away come to me baby
like gravity or something charismatic or something
that's just the right amount of invisible or the right
amount of getaway pressure or get away come to me baby
pressure and the muscle either flexes or relents, right?
Am I right to say that after, and I mean long after it's all
done, the shell's left barren and bereft
of itself (the shell is bereft of itself, right?)
because here it is in New Hampshire face
down in a garden I inherited in the winter
and this is my first spring here, and only now,
because the snow is mostly gone, have I found
it which takes me back to my first question but
not the one I asked, it's not my question about
whelks, its the one she asks in the epigraph
(won't you read it again) (won't you?) or shall I
press it against your ear with my lips and the tip
of my tongue before you abandon me for once
and entirely? But what's that you say about the lightning
whelk? That what I found isn't lightning? That
it's knobbed? Like knuckles coming up
from a fist? Isn't that what you said, finally?
and entirely? But what's that you say about the lightning
whelk? That what I found isn't lightning? That
it's knobbed? Like knuckles coming up
from a fist? Isn't that what you said, finally?