Monday, April 6, 2020

Silhouettes of Blue

Silhouettes of Blue

Veins are sheaths of blood but not blood proper
                                                                (unless you’re
an octopus and more certainly still under the at once steady
and then not at once pressure of copper and of water)

maybe I want to say that the veins are in some way
the same as the veins of my mother
                                                who became
maybe in her last days became a lodestone (they’re
a hue of blue, no?) for addicts and fanatics
                                                or if not that than a grinding
                stone where if she’s come up as some kind of idle,
                a bluebottle say, that can ride and ffffffffzzzzphzzzzz        hide
                and sometimes fly
                because they’re never idle ffffffzzzzzbzzzzzzzffffzzzz
                when they’re alive
                                                it comes that as they light
                                and glide/slide on the thick lip slick with gibberish side
                                aligning the stroke side of her left eye
                                I’d try to see like one or even some of them
how there was then suddenly
                                five and counting
each against my mind’s palm

my thumb touching
my talon touching
my tongue
to take me back
                                                                to the page I’m studying
                which is my mother
                who is my other limb
                or maybe simply
                my other thumb
                stuck against the sticky bun
                my tongue as become
                after the hammer’s come

and is cephalopod dumb
with pain and the ungainly

ble                                         how I’d absently swung
the hammer of memory
down without
really telling                        myself                  I was still

there and it was all the gravity and grace I had Jesus
I can’t even tell you when the news came she was found blue and going
on the bathroom tiles
what I was then was two pieces of pine and I was the ballpeen
hammer or I was another sort the one with the claw
I was sending each to a meeting together

and after
long after I’ll say of the way blue
looked inn her when she was all through
it wasn’t
the kind of blue I’d ever like, I knew,
in my life

but a different blue, edging the spectrum into a hue
of cyan blue the shade of some
octopuses and  I’ll say
it’s the feeling of it I want at night just
beneath the swell
of the getting tight shock of her dying like
that and how in the light
of some kinds darks I’ve known
                                                there comes some fragile shadow
                like cut-
paper silhouettes
the ones that want me
to be reminded that before flashes
                                of light inevitably charred and oxidized
                                                                all of my life
                                before there was a
way to settle the negative
                                spaces of blue
                                                                in the dark rooms and keep them in my cooo

we’d have our quiet caresses
and the hardstone cameos of our own slanting glances,
and every drop of our reconciling
want was razed from the shade to the fingerprint arches, loops, and whirls
how yours went black to blue-to every furnace hue,
how for a moment you were the very
color of our last grab, our final possession,
the pressure of four fingers and swelling head of a thumb left hovering
under the skin of the mother I want
to pack cool clean peat upon
while her old bruises splay and migrate and stray
like furiously stirred water going whirlpool mindless
and then, just like that, just because it has to,
settling like calm, like shy and soft shelless
mollusks tucking under their dependable eight, waiting.

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