Sunday, May 3, 2020

little spark

little spark

benign enough i suppose the mud
dauber pauses and crawls pauses
and crawls along the carrying beam
of the ceiling batting its body dropping
rising doing what spring bugs do
who are caught in the house with
something new to ponder.  earlier
i swatted it with a rolled up
pennysaver and it occurred to me
to consider there are only one or two
uses for a rolled up newspaper:
to light the end on fire so as to
lean it in to the fuel you've tee-
peed in the bowl to open the most
opportunity for smoke to go straight
through the roof and open flue
(depending on your purposes right
romance warmth possibly food)

and dogs.  the only other member of
the family who's not reading
the news or seeing cheap meet
my needs please and for pennies
please see i've scrapped them
and buried them into the hollow
bodies of pigs (or not to be out-
done or undone you choose) some
container less its cliche: a little
boy's lasting fascination with spider-
man or the square ceramic story
book not really practical for
the intended audience to grip
but it does tell a story and if
there are coins in it all the better
for sound effects about getting
lost and then found again or
if you start in the other direction
and depending on the way you turn
it of being found and then lost
again.  like this poor mud

dauber.  Lost.  come in on a coat
or an open door.  there's something
lazily furious about her search
for the way out.  the predictor
in me wants a heavier daily news
the new york times maybe to wack
it squished against the plaster. 
the guilty dog in me waits
patiently anxious for the master
to come home see what i've done
and act accordingly.  the worn
spot on my nose says enough
about how quick i am to come to
book.  some of me though
and maybe it's the same for you
too wants to be the rolled wad
itself a bun of ink and easy
dealing or glassless spy glass
a tunnel that on one end the palm
end or the eye end is dark and dead

but the other if i turn around
and say fuck cliches look look
there's a match struck there's land
ho! there's enough light coming
from the back end of that bug
and i can pide piper her ass
right on out of this place alive
no questions asked.

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